Proactively waiting…

We had a contract on our house last month, but it fell through a few days before the option period ended.

Getting the contact initially helped us kick it into high gear, quickly preparing to move from 5,000 square feet into 400(ish) square feet. Our gears have slowed back down a bit, but we are proactively waiting. We hope to get a new contract soon!

We purchased our truck and 5th wheel last August. We’ve had some interesting experiences and learning curves already! The delivery guy ran our 5th wheel into the one next to it while delivering it to our storage space. There went our brand new RV, off to get fixed for the next 2 months. Once we got it back, we thought it’d be nice to pull it into our driveway to load up for our first trip. That didn’t work out very well. Months later, our front yard still has tire ruts.

We really need someone to capture us on video while Ryan is backing the RV into our storage space. The nerves are probably a bit higher due to watching the delivery guy wreck it while doing the same, but yeah…I sound a bit spastic for sure! You could catch me yelling stop when there’s 5 feet of clearance on all sides.

We’ve also had such great experiences taking trips in our RV. The indoor/outdoor living is right up our alley. Thank goodness Ryan is a plumber and easily handles grey tanks, blue tanks, yellow tanks – whatever those things are called! We all just love the overall adventure of RVing!

I know. It is hard to imagine 12 people in an RV. I like space. I love space. And I’m telling you, it works. We do have to very strategically organize each inch of space. I am thoroughly enjoying the challenge, though. I will show you how we are organizing it, where everyone sleeps, how we cook, eat and function. I’ll bring you along for the highs and lows, ins and outs of it all.

About us…


I’m Kristin. My husband is Ryan. We’ve been married for 13 years. We have 10 children. Our sons, both age 11, are Manning and Rhythm. We adopted Rhythm from China 2 1/2 years ago. Our daughters are Tapestry (age 10), Cherish (age 9), Liberty (age 7), Jubilee (age 6), Mercy (age 5), Treasure (age 3), River (age 2) and Bravely (8 months).

We love adventure and the unknown possibilities of the future. We live in a constant state of transition and change. Rather than look for normalcy in a way that many seem to crave, we embrace this transitional life as our normal. Whether it’s pregnancy, having a new baby, adopting, moving to a new house, traveling or dealing with unexpected and sometimes unwanted issues, we cling to Jesus as our never-changing security. Though we aren’t opposed to and do not judge societal norms, we feel such freedom to venture out of those and to live a life of bold adventure.

If you step into our living room, you’ll find joy and sadness, bickering and forgiving, good moods and cranky moods, laughter and tears all wrapped in a big bundle of peace and love.